Pasefika Māori Dictionary: Pekapeka

Pekapeka in Te Reo Māori language (Aotearoa) is Chiroptera Bat (Flying Fox) in English language.

Bat (Flying Fox) Chiroptera in English language is known as:

PekaPeka Bat (Chiroptera) / Flying fox (Pteropus) - noun

PekaPeka (phonetic: / Pay-KAh Pay-KAh / | ipa:/ ˈPe̞ˑkäˑPe̞ˑkäˑ / | symbols: / ˈpākäpākä / )

“PekaPeka” is a word in Māori language used to identify a bat (Chiroptera) and/or long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) and/or short-tailed bat (Mystacina tuberculata).

“Peka” is a word in Tongan language used to identify a bat (Chiroptera) and/or Flying fox (Pteropus).

“Peʻa” is a word in Sāmoan language Bat (Chiroptera) / Flying fox (Pteropus) and “ʻŌpeʻapeʻa” in Hawaiʻian to identify a bat (Chiroptera) and or Hawaiʻian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus).

“Peʻa” is also word in Sāmoan language used to identify the tatau Sāmoa, (Sāmoan tatoo) for men.

Peʻa (Flying Fox Fruit Bat) freehand drawing by Jon Apisa

Jon Apisa. Peʻa (Flying Fox Fruit Bat) freehand drawing. 2023. colored pencil on paper, 8.8" x 5.5" (22.4cm x 14cm).

Peʻa (Flying Fox Fruit Bat) drawing by Jon Apisa

Māori to English Dictionary

English to Polynesian Dictionary

Hawaiʻian to English Dictionary

Tongan to English Dictionary

Tahitian to English Dictionary

Māori to English Dictionary

The Pasefika Polynesian dictionary is project of Jon Apisa intended as a comparative dictionary to view similarities, differences and cognate relationships of words in multiple Polynesian languages.