Going green globally Texas turbines made in China

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  • 12/28/2010 | Water
    National Geographic 7 billion in 2011 video

  • 09/11/2010 | Water
    As written here,  Electrified Cotton Nanotech Filter Purifies Large Volumes of Water

  • 08/31/2010 | Water
    As written here, researchers from Stanford University are using Cotton Nanotech and minimal electricity can create high speed water filters.

  • 08/25/2010 | Water

    Desalination or making salt wayter drinkable is nothing new.  Large companies such as GE have the technology to build desalinsation systems that could provide a community with fresh water. 

    The SeaKettle life raft designed by Kim Hoffman takes this a step further with desalination capabilities, it can make salt water drinkable which directly effects the raft's life saving efficiency.  Hopefully the design and technology of the SeaKettle will be adopted by more life raft manufacturers and redefine the what is required for a life raft.


  • 08/04/2010 | Water
    Peer Water Exchange is a networking system making an impact on the world water crisis

  • 08/02/2010 | Water
    Peer Water Exchange working to help solve the world's water problems.

  • 04/12/2010 | Water
    As written in this article, Ancient Amazon farmers of South America used sophisticated techniques in agriculture and irrigation

  • 08/19/2009 | Water
    Accessibility to clean drinking water is a major challenge for survival of the human race along with food supply, energy sources and climate change. 

    As seen here at ted.com the Lifesaver water filtration bottle provides portable water filtration in an effort to create a usable supply from contaminated water.

    The lifesaver water filtration bottle is yet aother solution to water supply. Desalination as a option for water supply

    World Water Coalition

    American Chemistry Chlorine Information

  • 07/11/2009 | Water
    As seen here, the desert rhubarb (Rheum palaestinum) of Israel and Jordan is a desert plant is noted as "Self-irrigating" because of its extreme efficiency in being able to gather water and channel it towards its roots.  In perspective, all plants in their natural enviroment are "self-irrgating" since many of the worlds natural plants do not have the luxury of humans or other spicies to water them. 

    In the Pacific Islands, althought much of the lush vegitation grows in a tropical climate with high rain fall, many leeward and coastal plants have also adapted to limited rainfall and extreme conditions.  Lau Fala, in Samoa (Pandanus tectorius) is a common plant throught the pacific that is a perfect example of efficient adaptation.  The  plant most grows near the coasts has adapted to high or limited rainfall, variety of soils including some with sand or lava rock cliffs, as well as the harsh salt air and winds from the ocean surface.  The Pacific Islanders have used the plant for food, weaving, mats, jewlery, and even as

  • 06/12/2009 | Water
    Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, rain clouds and lush vegetation its hard to think of clean drinking water as a concern for Pacific Islanders.  Rising population density, urban developments and increased liverstock farming are all contributors to the challenges faced to provide Pacific Islanders with clean drinking water.  Zee Weed is a new technology for water filtration not only for drinking but also can be used for recycling municipal waste water (raw sewage) into water that could be safe to use for agriculture, livestock.  Although using this filtration system may not seem like the answer to recycle sewage to drinking water, if it truely can filter out 99.99% it probably is safe to use for gradening, agriculture and if a neew plumbing infatructure was made, for toilets, commercial fountains, golf courses and other non drinking water fixtures.

  • 05/04/2009 | Water
    As written in this article Kiribati is facing challenges with both water supply and water quality. Although surrounded by ocean, many pacific islands face fresh water supply and quality issues. As development and population increase so do demand as well as combating pollution in fresh water supply and streams.

  • 03/29/2009 | Water
    The world's water supply is not able to sustain the growth of the human poplulation and is expected that within this century a large percentage of the earth's population will not have access to clean drinking water.  Saudi Arabia among other nations are leading the world with desalination technology and even Australia, the United States, coast states such as California have been looking into this as an option for water supplyInternational Desalination Association is an internation organization is commited to this technology and water reuse.  It has been proven and said that the world has been able to survive without some commonly used natural resources such as oil, coal, or gold, but people can not survive without water. 

    In the Pacific Islands water supply may seem like someonelse's worry due to the abaundance of clouds, tropical vegitation and ocean but demand for water supply is increasing with population density.  even on a small scale now would be a great time for pacific islands to look into such technologies.

  • 02/24/2009 | Water
    There is much concern about the supply and sources energy. Energy conservation, efficiency and self sustainability are goals that are proposed but goals which are required among humans. One resource as high if not a higher priority for the human race is water. Many people in developed countries take their water supply for granted. Most of the islands throughout the pacific have a good annual rainfall rate with humidity.  Most people in the world know their water supply is a challenge of daily life. The Watermill is a powered device that uses electricity and moisture in the air to provide up to 12 liters per day of clean drinking water> . The device is not cheap compared to water purifier that attaches to the end of the sink but that's because it's capable of providing the water source itself as well as the purification. The watermill device along with a electricity source such as solar panels could provide a sustainable source of drinking water that won't be dependent on the supply and quality of the community water source. With a solar panel or other electric source, would be another solution for natural disasters like having clean water after a hurricane or in growing communities across the pacific that are increasing their water usage. It should go unsaid that having a a water source is essential for human survival as well as agriculture and livestock. Hopefully many more products like this watermill above ground well at the consumer level or desalination at the community level level will be able to provide options for water supply.

Going green, is a vague statement that can start with individual choices and environmental awareness.  When the goals of going green are on a larger scale than community involvement can produce larger results.  The global community and global collaboration will be a great step toward enviromental awareness projects on a massive scale as seen by this ecxample of Texas turbines made in China.