Fiber Optic Cable to connect Samoa telecommunications

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  • 03/31/2011 | Health
    This map along with other EPA pages with radiation data in the US has grown popular as the fallout from Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan has moved across the Pacific.  Although the radiation in the US has not yet been reported to be harmful we must not forget the people of Japan who are dealing with this in addition to the cleanup and rebuilding of their damaged cities.  The map along with other EPA pages with radiation data in the US has grown popular as the fallout from Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan has moved across the Pacific.  Although the radiation in the US has not yet been reported to be harmful we must not forget the people of Japan who are dealing with this in addition to the cleanup and rebuilding of their damaged cities. 

  • 09/22/2010 | Health
    As written here,  First Implantable Artificial Kidney Prototypev

  • 08/26/2010 | Health
    As written here by Popular Science, Alnylam ALN-VSP test a positive step toward cancer treatment which was focused on liver cancer but could lead to treatments for other cancers in the future.

  • 08/20/2010 | Health
    As written here, the Atlantic Ocean garbage patch including plastic is being constantly monitored and is ffecting oceanlife as seen in this picture of a triggerfish with 47 plastic pieces in its stomach.

  • 08/03/2010 | Health
    As seen here, Mouth to mouth is not required for CPR

  • 07/12/2010 | Health
    As written in this article, Bioprinting a Gallery of manufacturing blood cells and possibly human organs

  • 04/29/2010 | Health
    As written in this article, studies are showing that using your mind can help to improve your vision

  • 10/25/2009 | Health
    In this Scientific American article, a brief explanation is given about how our brains maintaining our memory over time.

  • 09/23/2009 | Health
    "You are what you eat" but what about what your drink? After all, the human body is said to be 60 percent water and human brain 70 percent, it's good to be educated about water quality, which is a a constant concern as it related to human health and quality of life. As written here, the EPA has listed 104 chemicals found in tap water that may lead to future regulation.

  • 09/18/2009 | Health
    As written in the LA times, of the reported cases, it seems that not all age groups are at the same risk for the H1N1 is not infection.  Scientists still researching H1N1 Swine Flu infection risk by age group and what they have found so far is that many young to middle aged people at more at risk than the elderly which is the very different from the seasonal flu data.

  • 09/15/2009 | Health

    It is no suprize the social networks can have an effect on an individual's health.  This can be seen as lifestyle and recreation activities between socials groups can be similiar and rehabilitation progress often include a form of group therapy.

    As written in this article from about the Framingham social network, there is also medical research data that has even been ploted on custom graphics share the data.  Health is a world issue effecting many developed nations as well as developing nations. 

  • 09/12/2009 | Health
    Researchers have created this video documents the spread of the H1N1 virus aka swine flu.

  • 09/10/2009 | Health
    Although there is no conclusive long term evidence that cell phone radiation has negative effects on people, the subject is often debated and taken very seriously, here is a recent study about cell phone radiation emission reported by ABC news

  • 09/04/2009 | Health

    Many animals have the ability to re-grow body parts.  Often seen in the Pacific, the gecko, can easily lose its tail and just as easily grow a new one. 

    As seen in this article, researchers are studying to make this a reality for humans.  In the example noted the Reasearcher was able to regrow a patient's finger with a power engineered from pig bladder.  Such research leads it way to regenerating human organs for medical use with goals to eliminate organ transplant by allowing the individual to regrow and repair their own organs.

  • 08/27/2009 | Health

    As written in this popular science article, the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination may be the largest in human history.  The U.S. media coverage of the flu has died down over the year as the spread of the flu has not reached pandemic levels in the U.S.

    Although the U.S. has not suffered a major outbreak, the virus is spreading worldwide (including the Islands of the Pacific) much like any other flu virus has done before it.  The H1N1 virus is however a threat with the upcoming ”flu season” in America’s fall and winter months and the U.S. is taking this threat seriously enough to make perhaps the boldest attempt in human history to vaccinate as many of the 405 million Americans as possible.

    H1N1 information from the CDC

    H1N1 report on possible cases

  • 08/20/2009 | Health

    As environmental awareness is gaining popularity among many people, awareness about the quality of air is usually related to climate.  Examples of this are emissions tied into climate change.  Although the climate of the earth and all living organisms depending on air is greatly affected by emissions, humans are directly affected by air quality as well. 

    Most of the media coverage about air quality awareness comes in the form of a symbol requiring proper ventilation for use of some airborne chemicals.  Residential and work related air quality awareness is related to closed windowed structures depending on HVAC systems.  

    In commercial airplanes, the altitude of flight travel required a sealed pressurized cabin.  As seen in this video, there are flights in which harmful chemicals are released into the airplane cabin.  The FAA in the U.S. is well aware of this and has some information on proposed implementations of cabin air quality recommendations here.

  • 08/14/2009 | Health
    As written in this article World Polulation may be 7 billion (7,000,000,000 or 7000000000 without commas) in the year 2011.

  • 07/20/2009 | Health
    As written in this article a potentially neurotoxic named PBDE or polybrominated diphenyl ethers could be in our food around the world.  This is yet another reason that why the whole food chain is still connected to the environment in which it was grown, gathered, processed, shipped, and delivered.  One of the many chllenges facing the 21st century will not only bee feeding the over 6.7 billion people (july 2008 estimate) of the world but ensuring quality of the food and water the we intake.

  • 06/17/2009 | Health
    In a time where the world is more interconnected technologically, economically and socially now more than ever, even remote Pacific Island nations such as Samoa which is dependant on tourism cannot escape global spreads of diseases such as the flu virus.  The Samoa Ministry of Health confirmed positive swine flu test for Australian student

    WHO World Health Organisation warning to Pacific vulnerability to  N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

    More Information about H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

    Hopefully with education, prevetion and proper medical attention, Samoa along with other Pacific Islands nations and teh world and combat the H1N1 Flu and the spread of this virus.

  • 06/15/2009 | Health
    As written in this article although tuberculosis is commonly associated with a vacination shot oin many developed countries it still is concern for many Pacific Islanders.  The diasease like many others including small pox have been introduced to the Pacific Islanders.

  • 04/23/2009 | Health

    The Pacific Islands are no stranger to outeaks of disease.  At the time of first European contact, many Pacific Islanders didn't not have exposure or imunity to the diseases introduced at this time of human contact.  H1N1 Swine Flu has been making much news lately and as this video on shows, we can still learn from the past flu outbreaks such as such as the 1918 flu.

  • 04/15/2009 | Health
    The Future of Food is about an hour and a half documentry on food.  With the human population well above 6.7 billion or 6,700,000,000 and continuing to rise, how we eat and what we eat are just as important as the availibility of food itself.  This is the theme of the video with regard to argiculture, farming, genetics, retail sales of food and how all people on earth are being effected by the ethical and legal regulations.     The video can be seen here at the Hulu website. At the time of European the Pacific Island nations were able to sustain their food supply from natural renewable plants and animals.  This is not to say that there was never famine due to natural disasters or that food was easily available but there were also famine crops and systems built over time to produce and supply food within the islands.   Although many islands are still fertile, as they become more and more populated and developed they the imports of food to the Pacific Islands increase.

    Pacific Island farmers also work with pestisides mentioned in the video and plant genetics is finding it's way into the Pacific Island reseach for cross breading of the banna plant and others to increase crop yeilds and develop stronger defenses against crop diaseases.     After viewing the entire video, the subject matter problems and solutions should be relevant to all people.

As written in this article Samoa will soon test and later have a fiber optic connection for their telecommunications via undersea cables. 

Samoa has been connected for years to the internet via satellite but the fiber optic cable is a huge step toward increasing the connection of Samoa with the world and offering the benefits of high speed internet connections as well as other telecommunications that many take for granted.