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06/08/2011 | Technology
China's trade, influence and role in the Pacific is increasing as we progress through the 21st century. China is also strengthening itself from within as seen by this slideshow of massive infastructure projects.
04/04/2011 | Technology
Intel AppUp is an App store for netbooks, laptops, and tablets with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7.
The number of "App Stores" for varios operating systems and dvices can be overwhelming.
iTunes for Apple devices, Adroid Store for Google. Then there's Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and Sony and a special Google bookstore for e-readers.
Although Microsoft has begun it's own appstore for windows mobile 7, it hasn't marketed an app store for Windows desktop versions for a few reasons.
The original app for windows is any electronics store or store with an electronics department. Athough most Windows software is also available for sale at these physical stores, direct download from the internet, there is also an option to buy Windows apps much like the itunes app store.
Intel AppUp is an App store geared netbooks, laptops, and tablets with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. Because of the low cost and moderate system requirements (as compared to the latest computer game or business software program) it is targeting the demographic that would have mobile devices that want massive quatity of small apps.
Intel AppUp is worth viewing and so are the other free resources to find "apps" for netbooks, laptops, and tablets with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 for netbooks, laptops, and tablets with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7, which include:
03/14/2011 | Technology
IE9 Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Final Version Released. IE9 can be downloaded from their site called beauty of the web
12/23/2010 | Technology
Rare earth materials are named as such for good reason. With the demand for technology on the rise suppliers have to meet teh needs of teh global deamand for these materials. As written here at Popular Science, California mine reopens to meet demand for rare earth materials which as used in many technological products such as batteries and eletric motors for eletronics and hybrid cars.
11/12/2010 | Technology
hexbug nano innovates robot toy bugs with simplicity, gaining international popularity as seen in this video, the same company also makes Vex robot kits
09/29/2010 | Technology
As written here, the world's largest solar boat begins voyage around the earthLargest solar boat begins voyage around the earth.
09/23/2010 | Technology
As written here, Pressurized Biomass could replace Petroleum in antifreeze, plastics, and cosmetics
09/16/2010 | Technology
As written here, Parks From Parking Spaces
09/10/2010 | Technology
As written here, Europe Announces New Step Towards Farming Endangered Bluefin Tuna
09/09/2010 | Technology
As written here, University of Michigan display uses nano tech for a micron image
08/30/2010 | Technology
Digital technology has made the art of photography accessible to everyone with a digital camera and digital cameras on their cell phones. As seen in this photo gallery, National Geographic photographers are giving tips on taking camera phone pictures.
08/27/2010 | Technology
As seen in this article After Katrina Green Homes in Low-Income Neighborhoods
07/31/2010 | Technology
As seen here on YouTube, The Khan Academy teaching math online for free
07/25/2010 | Technology
There's alot of chemicals and processes for manufacturing plastics and plastic products. Recently, BPA has been making headlines and now on platic product labels "BPA free" is a marketing label used to promote healther plastic products. Along with labeling of current plastic products, Biopolymers from companies such as NatureWorks in this previous post about Ingeo are allowing for alternatives to convetional plastic manufacturing.
Here are links to more info about Bisphenol A, also known as BPA
BPA Information for Parents from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
07/24/2010 | Technology
NatureWorks Ingeo Biopolymer is a product is plastic (resin) from plants as explained in this video and their Ingeo life cycle page. Although there are many great applications and companies starting to use Biopolymers, the main marketing point is that they are created from a renewable resource.
Products made from Ingeo are said to be 100% recyclable. According to their resin code page, Ingeo is also Bisphenol A "BPA" free.
Companies like NatureWorks and products like Ingeo are definately a step in an environmentally efficient direction.
Here are links to more info about Bisphenol A, also known as BPA
BPA Information for Parents from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
07/20/2010 | Technology
As seen in this video, Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Teaser, is amazing Computer-Generated video of computer generated physics demos simulating dirt, water, and a few of the most complicated materials as the fall and collide with each other.
07/16/2010 | Technology
As written in this article, Microsoft is building a Terapixel Map of the Sky
04/30/2010 | Technology
Here are Digital images of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill from Space
03/05/2010 | Technology
As seen in this article Body Scanners at more U.S. Aiports. Despite concerns of privacy, as seen from examples which can shown the outline of a person's body, the priority for security has increased.
Health concerns travelers as well, but the some health professionals report the use of the scanner to have low radiation exposure. Long-term effects as well as multiple exposures for frequent flyers may be studied in the future and give better data to the health effects off the scanners.
02/15/2010 | Technology
As written in this article, Kelix Energy Systems prototype Kelix uses centrifugal force in place of pumps and a compressor to move air conditioner refrigerant.
01/06/2010 | Technology
At CES 2010 3D is the lastest feature in HDTV. Manufacturers such as Samsung are displaying slim .3 inch 3D tv in their Samsung 9000 models. Here's an article about how 3D TV will work in the consumer home.
01/04/2010 | Technology
The Burj Khalifa opens the world's tallest building at 828 meters (2,717 feet) high. In this Video there are comparisons to existing structures and city sky lines.
11/25/2009 | Technology
As seen in this video tracking the movement of trash allows for collection of data that can be used to help with an assesment of environmental impact as well as the efficentcy of waste management sytems.
11/15/2009 | Technology
Many professions are based in illusion and visual perception such as art. This video is about a San Francisco exhibit that shocases visual perception.
11/13/2009 | Technology
As seen here, Popular science has a list of 100 Inovations of 2009
11/12/2009 | Technology
As the year wraps up wired magazine has posted this article as a collection of their gadget reviews for consumer electronics.
11/06/2009 | Technology
As seen here, Performance doesn't have to be compromised with electric vehicles. The Mavizen TTX02 is a 130 mph Electric Superbike that is race worthy and able to reach any speed limit on the street.
11/05/2009 | Technology
As seen on this video at, Rachel Armstrong is rethinking Architecture to reconnect with the environment and even grow on its own.
11/02/2009 | Technology
On Kwabena Boahen talks about his research in how computers work and the ideas that will ,ake the computer work more like a brain.
10/23/2009 | Technology
As written in this article the Sequoia Voting Systems is planning to relase it's source code for its new system, Frontier Election System
10/17/2009 | Technology
Althought the year isn't over, Popular Science is shoecasing a gallery of the best medical images of 2009.
09/25/2009 | Technology
As seen here, has posted pictures of Sydney Australia dust storm from space
09/13/2009 | Technology
Augmented Reality in mobile phones with lcd displays and camera lens may one day be availible to consumers but Augmented Reality in contact lens won't be far behind as seen in this article.
09/02/2009 | Technology
As written in this Popular Science article, Massachusetts Institue of Technology ( MIT ) offers a free online education called MIT Open Courseware, MITOCW, or OCW for short. MIT is one othe the Top 5 Universities in the U.S. and one of the world's most prestigious universities.This online resource is available to all with an internet connection and worth looking into as online education seems to be gaining credibility with such established Universities taking inititives toward online education.
08/31/2009 | Technology
California Wildfires as reported from the LA times and SFGate are also visible from space as seen in this picture here which not only shows the files but the amount and direction that the smoke is taking.
08/26/2009 | Technology
As seen in this article, Augmented Reality is the combination of real world and computer generated data. Most know this as science fiction with examples that movies like Iron Man where the data could be displayed on the helmet glass as Iron Man flys through the air on in cars like the speedometer seen as a head up display on the Chevrolet Corvette.
As seen in this article, the progression toward Augmented Reality is just around the corner. With a Smartphone equipped with a digital camera lens, wireless internet access, GPS and the right software, you could have real time data available on the lcd, just as if you look at a map on Google maps and it can show data and locations of nearby entertainments and dining venues.
This is not science fiction since most of the technology and infrastructure is available to do this, only the software programming as well as higher wireless bandwidth may be necessary. Though we may be years off from having the display on Oakley sunglasses, smart phones as well as free services (like Google funded by online advertising) would be the gateway for this technology to reach consumers.
Like all free services that are location or user based, concerns of privacy will also be an issue. Since a “free” application such as Google services can track your online surfing habits to serve you more relevant ads, Augmented Reality programs could in addition store your GPS locations, interests, favorite locations traveled in real time to a database, which could be analyzed like automobile traffic patterns. From an online advertising perspective, such a device would allow personalized ads while walking through the city as seen in the science fiction movie Minority Report
08/17/2009 | Technology
As seen from this article Boeing UAV are now best sellers. Though most UAV are dedicated for military use, many military based technologies (satellite communications, internet, GPS, night vision have often made it to business and consumer level product. UAV could serve an imporatnt role in Pacific Islands such as monitoring a conservation area that is almost inaccessible by man, or recording surface damage cused by a a hurricane or tsunami. Other applications for UAVs would be transportation of essentials supplies and communication to outer islands for reduced fuel cost.
06/27/2009 | Technology
As seen in this article at, someone has converted a 1986 Honda motorcyle to an electric bike.Comment on this blog directly or share your thoughts at the Pasefika Forum about Electric Motorcyles.
06/23/2009 | Technology
There's more awareness about climate change, sustainability and going green, but apart of the problem of the current environmental impact we have is not utilizing more efficient solutions that we already have.
Serious Materials offers products for residential and building materials that are more efficient and environmentally friendly as seen in this video. Kevin Surace talking about EcoRock Drywall which is also termite resistant won Popular Science magazine's Green Tech award.
06/19/2009 | Technology
In this video on, Yann Arthus-Bertrand displays his aerial photographs from aroung the world the give a visual representation on issues effecting our planet now.
06/09/2009 | Technology
A day after Apple announced it's availability for the latest version of the iphone 3gs, it may be a matter of time before a competitor in the US cell phone market poses a threat to Apple's market share. This is not to say that Apple or the iphone will remain at the top, history shows consumer mobile device brands have had product popularity risen and fallen, the parent companies such as Nokia, Motorola, Black Berry, LG, and Samsung to name a few still remain in a highly competitive market. Even graphics chip maker Nvidia has new mobile hardware in development. Along with other mobile such such as the SONY VAIO P new SONY PSP GO, Microsoft Zune HD (which will have to redeem itself by tying in more closely with the Xbox 360 brand) and you've got continued progress for mobile electrionics.
06/03/2009 | Technology
This video highlights how teens are learning about business in a challenging world economy which would be a great opportunity for Pacific Islanders of the same age group to be involved in.
04/25/2009 | Technology
In this video on Hulu CNBC has done a documentry on Russia. Geographically the lagest country and a world superpower, it gives a glise of ta ecomic perspective of Russia and it's citzens, with the changes since it was formerly the U.S.S.R. Historically Russia had interests in the Pacific region during the colonization period of the pacific by European nations, Russian technology rivaled the U.S. during the space race and this video documents how Russia is prospering today with it's vast natural resources including its oil.
04/19/2009 | Technology
The influence of India, the people and products of India are influencing the world including the Pacific. Not only is India the world's second most populated nation it is also home the the worlds second largest growing economy, with these statistics showing India only behind China.
This video gives a snapshot on India's modern rise with a perspective on economical development.
04/12/2009 | Technology
This is a short article with a photo gallery about a farming town in Colombia that is being transformed by the availibility of technology to its residences. With the expansion of fiber optic lines and the internet throught the Pacific, once rural, isolated villages on islands are now becoming more accessible and intergrated with technology.
02/23/2009 | Technology
Given the previous post of defining high definition and demonstrating how it varies from natural visual information and how it varies from the natural visual information we have evolved with, we can now analyze what this means.
In an example of the driving with sell phone debates it’s argued that it’s not the physical device of the cell phone that is distracting to drivers but the mental functions required to hold a vocal conversation that may be the true distraction.This theory comes from a theory that humans at the present time are not wired to process the information of a vocal conversation while keeping the attention to driving an automobile, or that we have a limit on how much information our minds are able to process and use at a given time just like some limits on the their physical strength, performance and the ability to lift increased amounts of weight with their bodies.
As this relates to our high definition posts we can only wonder how much definition our minds are able to process, and how our minds will process visual information in the future with possible 1600p 2560x1600p or even 1080p ( a fictional 19200x10800 resolution that may be possible in the future).
Perhaps when that time comes the media involving pixels will itself be obsolete giving ways to holograms, projections, or virtual reality goggles in which we will have a different way to measure the clarity or resolution as well.
There have been a few cases in which the blind have been wired sensor directly to the brain to give a view of shapes of objects, not to say we bill be viewing our work like the matrix movie series but atleast closer along the lines of enabling those few with artificial imagery that mirrors the simplicity of how our vision starts in infant development.
Regardless of what may come with or artificial visual representation we can see from consumer products alone that the rate at which the quality, resolution and amount of visual information that humans are being exposed to on a daily basis is increasing and an accelerated rate.
Which in turn is raised on visual standards and demand for visual quality and well as how we interface and use technology such as computers, games and other consumer products.
02/22/2009 | Technology
In the previous post about HD was written to define High Definition, pixels and how we see them.In this post we will analyze how this may affect the way people interpret graphical information.
As mentioned previously, the while some people see little difference in image quality in the current generation of movies and tvs, given the top of the line products with current high definition standards other see is closing the gap between images see on tv and the naked eye. A comparison with tv in the previous post showed an increase from .3 megapixels standard definition to over 2.0 megapixels at 120 times per second with current models of tvs. Not only does this show a he increase of the amount of pixels or dots being viewed at any given second from watching tv but also leads into a post about the affects how we interpret the increase amount of visual information.
If you research about the fact that much of the human mind is devoted to process visual information, you find theories about how we evolved and the reasoning behind this. With our evolution one may say that humans were subjected to roughly the same environmental factors that give us the visual information we see. These would be the visual spectrum of the suns wave lengths that hit surfaces of objects we see as well as the limitations of our field of vision and the environment of the viewer. Someone in the natural environment of a desert may view less objects and less visual information that someone in a tropical jungle with varying amounts of sunlight in each environment but the consistent is the field view as well as the fact that the our equivalent of natural resolution, or amount of visual information doesn’t change from the natural environment, just how we interpret the light bouncing off of it.
A simplified example of this is that if we ar in the middle of the desert with no clouds just dry earth, blue sky, one rock by our feet, and the sun up above at high noon, then all of the visual information we gather in a second is for the most part consistent. The only thing to change this would be the sun and/or if we moved our head and chose to focus on something else. In this example of one second let’s say that we choose to focus at the rock for a second. For most without scientific measurement we can say that this visual data for that second was consistent. And if any human in the history of humanity was in that same place at the same time of day, they would have been exposed to relatively the same amount of visual information as we just did in that one second.
Now let’s bring our example back to modern times using a digital cameras to capture the same visual information focusing on that same rock.Early digital cameras matched SD tvs, 0.3 megapixels 640x480. Now lets take another image with a digital camera capable of 1080p 1920x1080 pixels or 2.0736 megapixelsCompare and contrast
Given the same environment of our example, the natural visual information that has been consistent since pre-human times meaning that our eyes and minds have evolved to the same consistencies in the natural world, objects, sunlight and how we interpret sunlight’s reflection off of objects. In contrast now we have digital visual information which we view from monitors direct which move light directly to the eyes from the display as well as increases in resolution with mean the amount of visual data is increasing with each generation of consumer products.
View our next post analyzing the future of visual information and how we interpret it.
02/21/2009 | Technology
It’s common to see the marketing hype of high definition television or HDTV but many wonder what is and how will it affect tv viewing. This is a two part post to first define what hdtv, pixels and resolution is then secondly analyze how HD effects not only our entertainment but the effects of high definition on how we interpret graphical information.
In the current marketplace, adoption of high definition products is commonplace. Video game consoles such as Playstation 3, Xbox 360, computer monitors 24” with 1920x1200 pixel resolution, 10 megapixel (10 million pixel) digital cameras, and now HD tvs and camcorders (1080p being 1920x1080 pixels) have brought a considerable increase over the SD or standard definition tvs of the previous generation which were 640 x 480, 307,200 or .3 megapixel displays.
To make sense of that this all means we must first define a single pixel which is simply a dot. A dot alone is just a dot but if arranged in a grid or at least close together like the painting style called pointillism, our minds will interpreted the information of dots or pixels into images that we can understand. Graphical resolution or definition as it’s marketed deals with the amount of dots or pixels in a given area. For example reolution for printing on paper can be 300 dpi (dots per inch) and on screen 72 dpi (dots per inch) . TV resolutions or definition standards are 480, 720, and 1080 which refer to the vertical dots/pixels per tv screen which then are 640x640 , 1280x720, and 1920 x1080. With moving pictures including movies , tvs and games add another layer of complexity on to this with frame rates and refresh rates. Frame rates and refresh rates have to do with how many times in a given second the images are flashed in front of the viewer. Multiple images in a given second allow are our minds to interpret the series of still images into animation or motion pictures.
With all that being said it’s clear to see that there is a trend in consumer entertainment toward marketing and advanced the amount of pixels and increased definition. Some have said while viewing the latest digital blu-ray movie on a 1080p screen with 120 refresh rate has pictures so sharp and clear they begin to rival the naked eye. Lets break this down. This means that at 1080p you see 1920x1080, 2,073,600 or 2.0736 megapixels or millions of dots. With a refresh rate of 120 hz you are seeing this many dots 2,073,600 multiplied by 120 times a second. In comparison to the naked eye which naturally would see light from the sun reflected on the surface of objects at a rate which would by the suns wave lengths of the visible light spectrum.
View our next post that compares and contrasts high definition and natural visibility.
02/13/2009 | Technology
Graphical User Interface (aka: GUI) is an interface that a users to interact with computers. An example of the impact it has with the human computer interaction can be seen with Microsoft and Apple computers. Microsoft DOS , MS-DOS had a GUI that used the computer monitor and keyboard to allow computer users to interact with computers by writing computer code. It functioned well but usually required computer users to learn a protocol or syntax for the code they had to type in order to interact with the computer. When Apple and later Microsoft updated their GUI and integrated the mouse, interacting with computers became more graphical. Rather then typing commands to for a menu or menu item, the menu could be displayed as a list and the user could click on the item to select it.
These days we take GUI for granted but it has brought the masses to computer and electronic devices and using Apple as an example can be a huge marketing tool for products such as the ipod and iphone which simply took the pen away from the screen and replaced it with the human finger.
Games are no stranger to GUI and they are arguably pushing the boundaries commercial GUI. The controller has gone from a joystick and button on the top of a simple cube to an ergonomic controller with multiple buttons and multiple sticks.
Although Nintendo Wii can be credited with the lowest hardware specifications it has had most recent success in console sales due in large part to their GUI using their latest controller the wii nunchuck.
The movie Minority Report used an advanced version of the Nintendo power glove. In Ironman and animated film Final Fantasy we saw the use of holograms as GUI.
Pen tablets have allowed users to create computer illustrations with more organic pen strokes.
01/03/2009 | Technology
The internet has become a great resource for the exhange of information and ideas. One site I have come across with videos of some great ideas is