Sāmoan Pronoun

A Pronoun is part of speech or word class that may replace or substitute a noun.
For more information on nouns, please goto the nouns page.

Personal pronouns may be used to substiture for a person's name in a sentence.

For more information on nouns, please goto the nouns page.

(one person)
(Two people)
(three or more people)
a‘u, ‘ou mā‘ua, mā mātou First person exclusive Sāmoan
I We (he/she and I) We (they and I) First person exclusive English
  tā‘ua, tā tātou First person inclusive Sāmoan
  We (you and I) We (all of us) First person inclusive English
‘oe, ‘e ‘oulua ‘outou, tou Second person inclusive Sāmoan
you you two, two of you you all, all of you Second person inclusive English
ia, na lā‘ua lātou Third person inclusive Sāmoan
he/she they (two of them) they (all of them) Third person inclusive English

Sāmoan possessive pronouns have an "a" and an "o" word. As a general reference, the "a" words would be used for objects/items, and casual/non-intimate relationships. As a general reference, the "o" words would be used for very personal or intimate things such as close relatives and parts of your own body.

Sāmoan "a" Sāmoan "o" English
Laʻu Loʻu My
Lau Lou Your
Lana Lona His, hers

Sāmoan demonstrative pronouns are words that refer to a noun word.

For more information on nouns, please goto the nouns page.

Sāmoan English (singular)
Lenei This (close)
Lea This (close)
Lenā That (close)
Lele That (not close, but within range)
Lelā That (away, at a distance)
Lale That (away, at a distance)
Sāmoan English (plural)
Nei These (close)
ia These (close)
Those (close)
Lelā Those (away, at a distance)

Polynesian Languages

Sāmoan Language