Sāmoan Verb

A verb is part of speech or word class that may include an action.

Although verbs can be defined in a word list as individual words, when written or spoken, they are used in combination with other words such as the subject and a verb tense to better describe who is doing the action and when the action is taking place.

Verb tense + verb + subject = who is doing the action and when the action is taking place in this context.
The examples below will also include "ia" meaning "he/she" as the subject.

Sāmoan English Tense
Sa  savali  ia. He/she walked. Past
Na  savali  ia. He/she walked. Past
E  savali  ia. He/she walks. Present (always, vague)
ʻUa  savali  ia. He/she is walking. Present continuous (now)
ʻO loʻo  savali  ia. He/she is walking. Present continuous
ʻO le ʻā  savali  ia. He/she will walk. Future

Sāmoan English
ʻAi Eat
ʻĀmata Begin
Faia Create
Inu Drink
Mālōlō Rest
Moe Sleep
Nofo Sit
Savali Walk
Tamoʻe Run
Tuʻu Put

Polynesian Languages

Sāmoan Language