Fale Sāmoa by Jon Apisa

Fale Sāmoa painting

Fale Sāmoa oil painting by Jon Apisa 02/07/2024

Jon Apisa. Fale Sāmoa. 2024. oil on canvas, 48" x 60" (121.9cm x 152.4cm).

Fale Sāmoa painting by Jon Apisa. This was painted in honor of the the skill and craftmanship that went into the construction of the Fale Sāmoa and share an artistic representation with the viewer.

The Fale Sāmoa is the traditional structures built by the Sāmoan people for their meetings, guests, and residence.

This painting is an abstract representation of the Fale Sāmoa.

The form is a mix of a section view. The detailed lines on top are done to communicate the design of the interenal roof structure, seen from inside a Fale Sāmoa.

The details on the posts represent to details of the ʻafa (sennit) used to bind the structural wood together.

The details on the base represent the detail of the maʻa (stones) used as the base of the structure.

More Information about the Fale Sāmoa

Fale in Sāmoan language is known as:

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Fale Sāmoa painting detail by Jon Apisa
Fale Sāmoa painting detail by Jon Apisa
Fale Sāmoa painting detail by Jon Apisa
Fale Sāmoa painting detail by Jon Apisa
Fale Sāmoa painting detail by Jon Apisa

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